A Prayer

Oh lord my creator, I hand to thee all my fears and my worries,

and pray with every fiber of my being.

that you will guide my journey

no matter its destiny or direction.

My father who you gathered in his midlife,

Shared the grandeur of your artistry,

I have always been in awe of your works,

Breathless at the view from the summit of your mountains,

I have knelt in wonder at the grandeur of your waterfalls.

And given thanks at the majesty and glory of your sunrises,

As the tides pull the waves that caress your sandy shores

The last time I called to you,

I asked for your kindness,

Not for me but for my lover

I know that you hold my dear ones close,  

and they have returned to become part of you,

part of the universal soul

Orphaned and widowed

I thank you for surrounding me with friends,

Who I adore and who hold me in their hearts,

Please take our fears and our worries

And guide our journeys,

No matter the destinies and directions.


Published by Dan R.

Writer and Photographer, practices "almost yoga", and meditation. Curious and still learning.

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